"A Blamer Like Boehner"

(Looking for his private cliff?)

Do you know a blamer like Boehner?
Can he always find somebody else he can blame?
It was never his doing,
But look who they're suing…
And he still wonders who he can blame,
Who, like he, is never to blame.

What a wonderful feeling to be blameless,
To let Reid and the President sweat.
Too bad he'll also be claimless.
Think, if things do work out, how much credit he'll get.

If they do it without him, and that's a big if,
In the next election he'll face his own cliff,
And who'll bother to rescue the stiff?

Bob Carlson

To 'With Days Until The ‘Cliff,’
     Speaker Boehner Is Still In Ohio'

To 'What Americans Should Learn
     From the 'Republican Apocalypse''

To 'John Boehner: Fiscal Cliff Problem
     Requires Senate To 'Act First''

To 'Are Republicans Ready to Dump Boehner?'