Obama's Gulf War –
A BP Monopoly On Spills?
Screwing Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell

What happens if Exxon or Shell has a spill
At the same time BP is conducting its own?
BP has first dibs on the best Gulf attorneys.
None of the rest even owns a cell phone.

And what will they use for a judiciary
Now Gulf Coast judges are in BP's back pocket?
How can they hope to lift future drill bans
If BP is tying up ev'ry court docket?

Not to mention the skimmers BP is retaining
And may need for years if its well can't be plugged.
There are very few skimmers unemployed in the workd.
How sad that they can't be fertility drugged.

BP's in the doghouse with all of Big Oil
And very much out of favor with Congress.
What fool buys incumbents with campaign donations
When they won't be in office to pooh-pooh the mess?

Bob Carlson

To 'BP clean-up leaves U.S. vulnerable to another spill'
To 'BP wasted no time preparing for oil spill lawsuits'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
To 'Oil & Gas Campaign Contributions'
To 'Judge who overturned drilling moratorium
       reported owning stock in drilling companies'

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'