A Declining Population
("Too fat to procreate")

They're far less fecund as they get more rotund.
Their progeny are naturally becoming far fewer.
Will our women lose weight or must we import some skinnies?
What will Congress decide is the proper cure

For a declining population that's hurting Big Business?
Is immigration less of a problem, or telling ladies they're fat?
Those congressional do-nothings sure have their hands full
Now they're faced with two choices as profound as all that.

Did they not foresee that the two are related:
Immigration and the need to shed many a pound?
If it were the men who had put on the weight?
Well they did, but there's more than enough to go 'round.

Is Congress so afraid of losing the ladies' votes?
What makes women so sensitive about being told?
Is no one in Congress in need of a diet?
That's what usually happens when the sedentary grow old.

So ladies, don't stand for that kind of complaint.
Tell the Congress to get busy and get off its duff.
Unite all the nation's extra fat ladies
And let Congress know their Twinkie budget just isn't enough.

Bob Carlson

To 'More Immigration in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More What's In It For Us Politicians in Rhymed Verse'