A Democracy In Name Only
(Grover Norquist was never elected as Emperor)

For many Paul Ryan is a big enough reason
To not vote Republican in this next election
But you might want to see who has signed Grover's pledges,
Or plans to, prior to making your final selection.

Though unelected Grover's poll numbers are rising.
Right up there with Ryan's for disliked politician.
He's refusing to let his army of puppets
Regulate Wall Streeters under suspicion

Of manipulating the price of your gas.
Nor can they cut subsidies that profit Big Oil,
For no one dares stand up to this selt-promoter
Who's oblivious to everyone else's turmoil.

Though we elect 'em, Grover grabs 'em and owns 'em.
With a stern,"tsk, tsk, tsk", he will threaten a spanking
To any prospective "no-tax-pledge" breakers
Plus a near sure reduction in their hierarchical ranking.

Do any Republicans who've signed Grover's pledge
Think that voters will buy into that as an excuse?
Ryan's private insurer healthcare scamming of seniors
Is a tossup with Grover's Wall Street-Big Oil screw loose.

Until Grover Norquist and his power over Congress
Are removed we will need a concerted campaign
To take Grover's troops on and out one by one.
Please. Can we make Orrin Hatch the first one to feel pain?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Grover Norquist, the Enforcer'
To 'Radical Ryan: Cuts Medicare Verses'
To 'Congress's Puppeteer, Grover Norquist Verses'
To 'Paul Ryan gets a taste of his own shameless demagoguery'
To 'Private Health Insurer Verses'
To 'Tax Breaks & Oil Subsidy Verses'
To 'Goldman Sachs Verses'
To 'American Conservative Union (and Grover Norquist)
       Caught in Payola for Op-Eds Scandal'
