Obama's Gulf War –
A Pig In A Poke
How much does BP's pig weigh?

We've all seen the pig that they're trying to sell us,
But have they convinced us as to what the pig "weighs."
From the start all we've gotten is British baloney
Promulgated by more of Lord Browne's popinjays.

In the beginning they told us one thousand
Barrels per day, which a few of us bought.
But skeptics screamed and it went to five thousand,
Which to many others didn't seem like a lot.

So why were they drilling if that's all their getting?
Then suddenly they were collecting much more,
And with their new cap could get sixty thousand
Unless more begins seeping around the well bore.

Their goal's to keep testing it ad infinitum.
Collecting more oil would give their game away.
How many stratagems must they come up with
Till Barton reminds us how little some British pigs weigh?

Bob Carlson

To 'BP Hopes to Keep Gulf Well Closed'
To 'Estimated Oil Flow Rates From the 'Macondo' Well'
To 'BP "Test" - Gush, Baby, Gush as We Wait, Baby, Wait'
To 'Joe Barton Apology-Fest Continues'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'