Accidents Happen
(And maybe they'd better)

The Afrika Korps of Colonel Qaddafi
Compared with Rommel's is a laugh and a half,
While authority seekers among Libyan rebels
Will look in vain among the riffraff.

Most of these 'patriots' haven't a clue
About whom they report to much less who's in command.
With no one in charge we can coordinate with
Qaddafi's demise better be close at hand.

So make it an accident. Whose fault can it be
If a Tomahawk missile finds Libya's ghoul?
Who'd ever expect a missile to see through
Qaddafi's disguise if he's riding a mule?

Would it kill a civilian? No, for he carries a gun
And he'll look like militia to that Tomahawk.
Unless he can flash some identification.
Then it might swerve so he's still cock of the walk.

But will all missiles miss? If they do, we could be in for
A much longer campaign than even John Boehner wants.
Qaddafi still standing will be unacceptable.
Letting accidents happen may be our best response.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Pentagon: We're not hunting Qadhafi'
To 'Qaddafi Arms Civilians'
To 'Erwin Rommel: Afrika Korps'
To 'Libya's Qaddafi'
To 'So-be-it John Boehner's Boondoggles Verses'
