Addicted To Mea Culpas
Old Mac's double-dealing strategy

"My Friends:
My stock in trade is saying how very Sorry I am, later,
No matter what I've said or done, Sorry, later, always works.
Confessions in Hanoi –
Contributions from Charles Keating –
My jokes about my foibles seem to mesmerize the "jerks."

"Mea culpas work so well I'm constantly in awe
Of how in Hell I hit upon this wonderful technique.
All I have to do is laugh about how wrong I was again
And they forget I'm just another double-dealing freak.

"Folks quickly sympathize assuming they misunderstood
What I said I favored vs. what I'm saying now.
I'm amazed at the hypocrisy they let me get away with
Like comparing Clinton's health plan to putting lipstick on a sow.

"If Obama had Town-Halled with me we wouldn't be attacking,
Slandering him with ads containing such pernicious lies.
But if I win, you can bet that I'll disown those ads.
I'll have Sarah classify them though I'll still apologize.

"When Sarah says she's sorry she kept money for her bridge
While admitting she's unable to stop requesting more,
She'll have mastered my technique for looking like a martyr
And leave the pundits cheering though like me she's still a whore."

Bob Carlson

To 'A Hockey Mom's Voting Ploys'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'