Adverse Medical Events
(One third of the time, courtesy of our medical establishment)

When were you made aware of the adverse event
That happened the last time you were hospitalized?
Perhaps an event that your doctor's ashamed of?
That ruined your sex life? Were you desensitized?

They didn't intend to but accidents happen,
And no one had asked you about your foot fetish.
So when the brochure said that Blue Cross would cover
Pedicures, you couldn't wait to look more coquettish.

But the anaesthesia before they began cutting
Kept you from missing your littlest toes
Until after the fact, and way, way too late
To be heeding their warning: "…that can be how it goes."

If only you'd known that one-third of the patients
In hospitals suffer an adverse event…
And these aren't the "blessed events" of Tom Coburn,
All those for which the Tea Party's hellbent.

Will a jury believe your physician or you
That your bedsores weren't there at the time of admission?
Still how many patients do you think are able
To prove two missing toes wasn't their precondition?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Errors still common in U.S. hospitals'
To 'Medical Errors Happen in One-Third of Cases '
To 'Voted YES on restricting UN funding
       for population control policies'

To 'Devious Doctors'
To 'Private Health Insurers'
To 'Oklahoman Oddities'
