Aetna, CIGNA, etc.
Mitch McConnell hates competition

Why is Congress so afraid
    to rock the health care boat?
Do they believe that Aetna's bull
    controls the way we vote?
Who's pleased CIGNA cherry-picks
    the healthiest among us
And disregards, in their old age,
    the Moms and Pops who brung us?

Divest Aetna, divest CIGNA
    of any acquisition
With which they've managed to reduce
    their prior competition.
Rivals forced them to compete,
    like Mitch McConnell cares
If pirates never have to share
    what now is solely theirs.

Let's say your records indicate
    you've recently been sick
You'll find those Blue Cross actuaries
    starting to nitpick,
Looking for a prior condition
    you failed to report:
Like a twisted ankle on a
    Flushing tennis court?
Like acne when you were a teen
    that, thank goodness, went away?
Like all those times you've burned your tongue
    on hot café au lait?

If you could hurt their profits,
    next year's rate will be so high
That even with nowhere to go
    you'll be forced to say goodbye.
Co-ops won't be big enough
    to take these piggies on.
To denigrate a public plan's,
    their Mitch McConnell con.

Bob Carlson

To 'Private Health Insurers'
To 'The Truth About The Insurance Industry'