America Was Beautiful
To be sung to
"America The Beautiful"
(O beautiful for spacious skies)

How horrible when Bushie's lies
Conceal a nation's pain,
While Orrin Hatch's travesties
Are hooted at again.
America! America!
Fraud seems a thing that we
Could stop for good if Congress would
Restrict incumbency.

How wonderful to not repeat
Frist's "She's Alive" address.
For millionaires, a one term seat,
Our wishes to express.
America! America!
We'll limit ev'ry flaw
And bring controls to toilet bowls
Where pols are making law.

How beautiful if Bushie's dream
Of vict'ry in Iraq
Could have remained somebody's dream
And not provoked attack.
America! America!
Fraud is a part of thee –
To think he could, meant that he would
Assume their oil'd be free.

Music by Samuel Ward
Original Lyric by Katherine Lee Bates
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'
To 'Corporate Greed'