Obama's Gulf War –
Another Case for Perry?
Does Erle Stanley Gardner know about this?

"Forget that Xerox copy
    telling how we'd be prepared.
Don't think for a moment
    we've been legally impaired.
We've screwed up so many times,
    just think what we'd have lost
If we cut corners legally
    and cared about the cost.

"We keep attorneys standing by
    so when things go to Hell,
The first thing we've been taught to do
    is ring our Perry Mason bell.
Our Della Streets have lists prepared
    our Perrys call upon:
Experts plaintiff litigators
    find that we've signed on,

"Along with local judges
    who are recipients of shares
We distribute in advance
    so we'll be sure who cares.
Judiciary vested interests
    as always are the key
To the nebulous existence
    of outfits like BP.

"We thought the only way we'd pay
    was if we lost our right to drill
And Della Street told Perry,
    "We've no choice. We'll foot the bill."
But maybe she'll remember
    all our contracts to supply
The DOD with gasoline
    the EPA still could deny."

Bob Carlson

To 'BP wasted no time preparing for oil spill lawsuits'
To 'BP wants Houston judge
       with oil ties to hear spill cases'

To 'BP has steady sales at Defense Department
       despite U.S. scrutiny'

To 'Perry Mason protects the innocent?'
To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'