Obama's Gulf War –
Applying RICO to BP
To save the brown pelican

RICO may well be our best chance to kill
British Petroleum's license to drill
Ever again where the brown pelican
Lived until BP's drill skills hit the fan.

Ever again where shrimp festival shrimp
Are looking so poorly it's not hard to skimp.
Ever again where BP lacks a plan
To keep spills away from the brown pelican.

Ever again where the Gulf Stream will move
Spills up the coast where they'll hardly improve
Living conditions where climate change can
Make Wall Street a home to the brown pelican.

Where Goldman is dealing subliminal swaps.
No money's involved so don't call the cops.
But they're trading their favorite bird in Manhattan,
The pigeon, for, yes you guessed it, the brown pelicattan.

Bob Carlson

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence in Rhymed Verse'
To 'Slick Operator: The BP I've Known Too Well'
To 'The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations ("RICO") Act'
To 'The 75th Annual Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival'