"Are You Being Heard?"

(Don't wait till you're in your eighties)

What are you doing so your voice is heard
About the evils of Congress and Ringling Bros. and
     not enough gun controls?
Are you sharing with anyone your "brilliant" thoughts?
Are you sure that the world's living up to your goals?

Are you perfectly pleased with the powers that be?
And are you content to BYOB
When something better perhaps could be had?
You're not the least bit, not even a tiny bit mad?

Here's to the New Year of wanting things better,
And to your letting the rest of us know.
Start a chain letter. Be a pace setter.
It's not going to get better if you're a no-show.


Bob, Ogden and Porter Carlson

To 'More Democracy in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Climate Change in Rhymed Verse'
To 'The Cruelest Show on Earth'
To 'Rob Woodall: End Federal Gun Laws'
To 'Why Republicans Don't Care What The Nation Thinks'
To 'Put armed police in every school, NRA urges'
To 'Senators Reid and Feinstein Believe
     Concealed Carry is OK for Them!'

To 'Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names,
     addresses of gun permit holders'

To 'The 5 Deadliest Guns
     You Can Buy Online — Legally'

To 'What Americans Should Learn
     From the 'Republican Apocalypse''

To 'John Boehner: Fiscal Cliff Problem
     Requires Senate To 'Act First''

To 'Are Republicans Ready to Dump Boehner?'
To 'More NRA Newtown Mass Killings Verses'