Be Sure To Ask Your Doctor
(Protecting sex for the one percent)

Be sure to ask your doctor if your congressman's so wealthy
That sex is not a problem as he tires of older wives.
Can he afford the kind of slut that Gingriches attract,
The kind for which his one percent continually strives?

What does a wealthy congressman need with Medicare?
The corporations that employ him have the bastard covered
Anytime he finds that he has managed to contract
A rash from other congressmen his latest slut has lovered.

Apparently this is a rash unique to politicians
Who assure constituents they work in their behalf,
Instead of for the one percent of which congressmen are part.
Why would they bother covering the rest of us "riffraff"?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Wealth Gap Between Lawmakers, Constituents Grows'
To '13 Reasons Why Newt Will Never Be the GOP Nominee'
To 'How Newt Gingrich Crashed and Burned When He Was House Speaker'
To 'Passionately Patriotic'
To 'Eye of the Newt'
To 'Just Plain Nutjobs Verses'
To 'Newt Gingrich's Sideshow Verses'

3/12/11 - 6/22/11