Beam Scotty Up And Away
(Elizabeth Warren vs. Scott Brown)

Scotty weakened every financial reform
He was able to get his greasy mits on.
A bank lobbyist who infiltrated the Senate,
But thanks to Ms. Warren the mole is long gone.

Greedy Scott Brown looks out for Scotty Brown first.
He's a true blue Republican who was cast in their mold.
Elizabeth Warren looks out for the rest of us.
Brownie for Brownie leaves us out in the cold.

Now Brownie's worth millions for defending bad banks.
Billionaire hedge funders are his specialty.
One of his own with his name on it?
It won't be very long before that's what we'll see.

He's sure to give us the standard palaver
About how this is great because so much trickles down.
Big banks and hedge funds beam millions up and offshore,
And if we let them, back down to Scott Brown.

Bob Carlson

To 'These Are The Senators Who Voted
     Against Expanded Background Checks
     And How To Contact Them'

To 'What A Difference One Senator Makes:
     Scott Brown v. Elizabeth Warren'

To 'HSBC fine: what does it take for a bank to get prosecuted?'
To 'HSBC Exposed U.S. Financial System
     to Money Laundering, Drug, Terrorist Financing Risks'

To 'Letter to Maryland Attorney General, Doug Gansler'
To 'Stuart Gulliver, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'
To 'More Bush League Banks and Bankers in Rhymed Verse'