Obama's Gulf War –
Beheaded in Abu Dhabi
or Be Headed To Gitmo?

BP's blackmailing brass

Is BP's blackmail a curse or a blessing?
Give thanks we're not cursed like BP's top brass.
Whether the U.S. pays the blackmail or not,
Each one of those weasles had better haul ass

To Abu Dhabi with Blackwater's Prince
And pray that the sheiks don't let them drill there.
If they do Abu Dhabi as they've done the U.S.,
Who'd begrudge Abu Dhabi its beheading hardware?

Of course if Obama decides not to outlaw
BP and invites them to drill right away,
The job opportunities will increase exponentially
For skimmers, and victims whose lawyers make hay.

Greenpeace could bless us with Fourth of July
Celebrations on BP's Gulf oil rigs in the Fall.
Would BP employ the same Danish commandos
Whose Arctic adventures were a warning to all?

But juries who'll try these blackmailing execs,
Unlike Gulf Coast judges, aren't easily bought,
And will happily show them our Gitmo facilities
Where we let anti-American 'terrorists' rot.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'BP Says Limits on Drilling Imperil Oil Spill Payouts'
To 'Greenpeace 'Shuts Down' Arctic Oil Rig'
To 'Blackwater Won Contracts Through a Web of Companies'
To 'Blackwater Mercenaries'
To 'Judge who overturned drilling moratorium
       reported owning stock in drilling companies'

To 'BP Blackmailers'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'