How're We Gonna Keep 'Em Betting the Farm?
McCain sings to Bushie about the economy
to the song "How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm?"
(After they've seen Paris)

"Bushie, Bushie, I been thinking," whimpers John McCain.
"Maliki's no pauper in the back half of the bus,
So why not let him set aside two portions just for us
Without incurring any more unconscionable pain?

"With brokers pressured to unload Truple A bad debts,
CEOs committing fraud have found how tough it gets.
Even loyal cronys have started to complain,
And I've begun suspecting smear campaign."

"So, how're we gonna keep 'em betting the farm
Despite the mystery?
How're we gonna keep Paulson's pals on Wall Street
Happy as clams,
Financing our scams?

"Who'll we charge with making sure no right to bear arms
Leaks to Maliki?
He's stolen many billions with no sweat on his brow –
Can Wall Street borrow Gitmo till they ascertain how?
No way we're gonna keep 'em betting the farm
Until they've learned from Maliki."

Music by Walter Donaldson
Original Lyric by Sam M.Lewis & Joe Young
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Greed & Corruption'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'