Beware, Bibi, Beware

(Win or lose, Bibi could acquire lots more religion)

If Bibi attacks, let him go it alone.
Wish him good luck, of course, but only by phone.
If he's unsuccessful: bites off too much to chew,
Let's acknowledge the fate of this Islamic Jew.

If Republicans try to export Evangelical Mormons,
Depending on how each candidate is performin',
He might get a taste of two more choices he's got:
To use contraceptives with his spouses, or not.
But he'll wonder again why his folks skimped on crosses.
If only they'd known, they could have cut their losses.

Now it's too late and he's badly outnumbered
But Lindsey Graham and McCain don't feel so encumbered.
Theirs is the percent that arranges financing
For their Blackwater brethren who do the freelancing.
But truth be told, their numbers are smaller
As they've gone through the middleclass and now the blue-collar.
Their "Grand Old Party" has turned off our Hispanics,
And is now playing games with its so-called puritanics.

So win or lose he could acquire more religion:
Prob'ly a lot and not just a smidgen.
If Bibi attacks, let him go it alone.
Don't proselytize. He's had a God of his own.

Bob Carlson

To 'Unsustainable Incendiary Israel'
To 'Scalia's Screwups'
To 'How Corrupt Was Santorum?'
To 'Rick Santorum: The Blue-Collar One-Percenter'
To 'CREW'S Most Corrupt'
To Bill Moyers: Freedom of and From Religion
To Andrew Sullivan: How Obama
      Set a Contraception Trap for the Right

To 'Tales From the Kitchen Table' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Battle Behind the Fight' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Evolution of Birth Control'
To 'Pope Santorum'