Obama's Gulf War –
Bewitched, Bothered & Bumbling
Casey Stengel would have Yanked them much earlier in the game

Not just bewitched, but bedeviled as well,
BP continues to bumble around,
But hasn't bothered to explain to Thad baby
That they haven't a clue if their well casing's sound.

Chief Bungler, Suttles, has proclaimed a victory,
But somehow Kent Wells hasn't sounded that sure.
The information they've been parceling out,
On dry land would most likely be labeled manure

Dumping twenty-three hundred barrels of mud,
Followed by five hundred more of cement,
And rosy pronouncements – Obama's ecstatic –
But no one is sure where the hell the stuff went.

Maybe forty percent went inside the casing.
You suppose that the rest disappeared in thin air?
We'll have to await Ms. Browner's announcement.
If it's gone by November, Obama won't care.

Doug Suttles did say that it went "as expected,"
But having watched BP and how they have muddled,
Something about these guys must be contagious.
They also have Chu and The Admiral befuddled.

But isn't it time to bring in some relievers?
The minors are calling to Steve Chu and crew.
Which still leaves the problem of BP's own bunglers.
Their big league retirements are long overdue.

Bob Carlson

To 'Adm. Allen Confused - So, Now, Everybody Else is, Too'
To 'Brownwer: 'Oil will weather in the ocean''
To 'Obama's Milquetoast Advisors'
To 'Chu: The buck stops here'
To 'Browner: Let's eat'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'