Billions To Bail Out Bernie
Stimulating the NFL odds

Good news for Bernie Madoff fans.
    Kashkari plans to bail
Out Bernie and his ponzi schemes
    so he won't go to jail.

Neel's waiting now for Bushie
    to request the second half
So Bushie, Neel and Bernie
    can enjoy a final laugh

With presidential pardons for
    the three of them plus Hank's
And an e-mail note to Harry Reid
    to express their thanks.

Neel paid off the Giants so
    there's only two to go.
How many misperceptions
    do you suppose they'll throw?

This has to be done quickly
    before Obama has a say
So they can get your billions down
    on Philadel-phi-a.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'
To 'Bushie's Paulson'
To 'Obama's Stimuli'
To 'Paulson's Neel Kashkari'