Biofuels 101
Tennessee vs. Archer Daniels Midland

Would you rather drink your moonshine
    or put that moonshine in your car?
When the trooper pulls you over
    will he say, "Close but no cigar"?

Will your children choose to siphon
    Exxon chasers for their Coors?
Will the judge rule that those DUIs
    are Chevy's and not yours?

But Tennessee is where our
    Fed'ral Revenuers claim:
"That ninety proof and ethanol
    taste pretty much the same;

"That putting BP's logo
    on the still ain't gonna work.
Only Archer Daniels Midland
    pays the Congress for that perk.

"They'll bottle some E-85
    and age it for a while
For senators to campaign with
    among their rank and file.

"ADM calls them refineries
    but we still call them stills,
Driving up food prices with
    four car garage gin mills."

Bob Carlson

To 'A Case Study In Corporate Welfare'
To 'More Archer Daniels Midland in Rhymed Verse'