Obama's Afghanistan –
Blackmail The CIA (For Fun And Profit)
With the Charles and David Koch Industries

"Blackmail the CIA (For Fun and Profit)",
It's the internet game that is now all the rage.
Threaten to Twitter and Tweet to the Taliban.
You're going to love the Karzai going wage.

It helps if one of your names is Mohammed
And your real estate agent's based in Dubai.
Then, like the CIA's Karzai contingent,
You'll purchase the best second home money can buy.

Blsckmail's a gift that just keeps on giving.
After one payment there's no way it can stop.
At the CIA blackmail is always clandestine
And they've assured Karzai they won't call a cop.

Who'd dare skim the cream from Panetta's budget?
Like J. Edgar Hoover he's got the goods
On all incumbents and Glenn Beck supporters,
Except for the Kochs and their underground hoods.

But will the Kochs surface and let it be known
Who and what they and their billions support?
Brawny, Stainmaster and Tea Party activists?
How 'bout internet blackmail as a CIA sport?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'CIA making secret payments
       to members of Karzai administration'

To 'Karzai Aide in Corruption Inquiry Is Tied to C.I.A.'
To 'Corruption by Karzai'
To 'Leon Panetta's C.I.A.'
To 'The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party'
To 'Kochs: billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama'