Blues The Holy Fathers Give To Me
Victims, fearing priestly pedophiles, join
the Dixieland Crackerjacks in their rendition of
"Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives To Me"

There are blues that we get from dreading
Nasty blues in a long black skirt
Those are blues below the tummy
    when he becomes too chummy,
Blues where we know it will hurt.

And there are blues from delayed removal,
But the meanest, meanest blues that be
Involve fears kids can't leave behind
    knowing what is on his mind,
The blues the holy fathers give to me.

There are blues that we get from learning
What is under his long black dress.
They're the reasons why we're crying,
    blues the Vatican's not buying.
They are blues we don't dare to confess.

Then there are blues from Rome's delaying,
But the meanest, meanest blues that be
Come from hearing more Ratzingers
    harbor seminary swingers
And the naughty blues they're giving you and me.

Music by Charles R. McGarron & Carrie Morgan
Original Lyric by Arthur N. Swanstrom
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Popes & Pedophiles'
To 'Pope Put Off Punishing Abusive Priest'
To 'Worlds Without Women'
To 'Oakland Priest’s Accuser Describes Sexual Abuse'
To 'We Can't Let the Pope Decide Who's a Criminal'
To Lyrics for "Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives To Me"