Obama's Gulf War –
Bobby's Beach Berm Boondoggle
Haley Barbour has been so cooperative

Bring your kids, pails and shovels. Help Bobby build berms.
BP is now paying kids ten cents a pail
If the sand and the tar are from Mississippi
Whose beaches Barbour has put up for sale.

Barbour had beaches while Jindal had marshes,
But Jindal was quicker to get the OK
To go ahead with his Beach Berm Boondoggle
That has Huey Long shouting, "Et tu Bruté!"

Sand mixed with tar was to be the foundation,
But Jindal's partners have run low on sand –
And who'll supply tar if BP's out of business?
Thank God Haley's beaches are so close-at-hand.

But delivering that mix is somewhat of a problem.
That last little storm? Well, some berms disappeared.
So don't use your kids unless you've a surplus
And have signed a release saying they've volunteered.

Sun bathing is out; scuba diving is in –
Is The Gov celebrating? Not all that much.
A berm that deals only with deepwater plumes?
And he's still stuck with Haley who'd agreed to go Dutch…

Bob Carlson

To 'Sand berms a dubious solution'
To 'Photos show vanishing oil berm'
To 'Chandeleur sand berm segment shrinking
       like a wool sweater in hot water!'

To 'Sand berms partially political'
To 'G.O.P. Stalwart Says Come, the Gulf’s Fine'
To 'In BP’s Record, a History of Boldness and Costly Blunders'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'