Boehner Grovels For Grover
(So did Grover)

Grover Norquist insists that John Boehner grovel
And never raise taxes. That's the pledge Boehner signed.
So did all Grover's Congressional puppets
Who are hoping and praying that voters won't mind.

They all swore to back Grover, whom Abamoff used
To cleverly launder the money he made.
While Abramoff ended up going to prison
Grover groveled but somehow he got to persuade

Right wing politicians that not signing his pledge
Would upset the wealthy and bother big oil,
And cost them big time in campaign contributions.
But few realized they'd end up legally loyal.

Now Grover can sue Boehner, McConnell et al.
If Grover discovers that Boehner's unable
To force an economic, castastrophic default
By keeping all future tax hikes off the table.

Prisons will close. Abramoff will go free.
Indian tribes will again have a voice.
But with Jack determined that their numbers increase
Don't expect Grover to let tribes be pro-choice.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The Norquist-Abramoff Circle'
To 'Congress's Puppeteer Grover Norquist'
To 'Grover's Jack Abramoff'
To 'Coburn spars with Norquist over tax breaks for ethanol'
To 'Nonprofit Groups Funneled Money For Abramoff'
To 'Anti-tax pledge directs budget debates nationwide'
To 'Boehner: Tax Hikes Are Off The Table'
To 'John Boehner's Goondoggles Verses'
To 'Lobbyist Pimps'
