Break Them Apart
Smaller is safer

If they're too big, why not make them smaller?
Smaller won't cause as much harm if they fail.
Who let them get as big as they've gotten?
Reverse the process. See which parts prevail.

Acquiring was easy. That's how they got here.
Splitting them up shouldn't be all that hard.
Bailing them out, we could use mops and buckets.
That's got to cost less than if we drain the yard.

Break them apart into dozens of pieces.
Make each a size it would normally be.
Instead of three giants on three wobbly beanstalks,
Let's split up Citi! BofA! AIG!

Selling off assets is hardly the answer.
With what they've done to them, who wants to buy?
Give current shareholders shares in each piece,
Let them decide which bankruptcies to try.

Separate managements would be essential.
God forbid Lewis ends up running them all.
Remember Ed Gibbon is no longer with us,
And who would want Woodward describing The Fall?

Bob Carlson

To 'More Bank of America'
To 'Bush League Bankers'