Obama's Gulf War –
Bubbles And Burps
Is seeing believing?

We'd like to believe Thad, but so many don't.
Do you think he believes everything that he's told?
Those bubbles keep rising, but he says not to worry,
That they're merely hydrates coming in from the cold.

But why so persistent, and for so long a time?
And why intermitent, repetitive burps?
Are they like the oil plumes that some fail to see
As long as they still are employed by the perps,

Or Jane Lubchenco or Carol Browner
Who can't find the plumes though some Florida beaches,
Covered with tar as in Mother Jones postcards,
Have not been erased by BP's Corexit 'bleaches'.

The tar balls and oil sludge keep washing ashore
From deep in the Gulf, hidden there by BP.
But are bubbles and burps perhaps the precursors
Of more surface refreshers that are easy to see?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Black blobs seep from capping stack
       as Feds deny any 'flow of hyrdrocarbons' '

To 'Found: BP's Missing Oil'
To 'BP's Fishing Folly is a Complete Failure'
To 'Bubbles coming out of the stack'
To 'Czar, Carol Browner'
To 'NOAA's Jane Lubchenco'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'