Burned By Your Bankers
(Through ICE Trust?)

How does it feel to be burned by your bankers?
If you're facing foreclosure, you already know.
You're such small potatoes on their long term agenda.
What makes you think they really care what you owe?

If they did, why is their paperwork badly screwed up?
No one's examined it. They haven't a clue.
They have become way too big and impersonal.
How well do you think their computers know you?

They're far more concerned with trading derivatives.
That's where their margin of profit's tremendous.
Even Republican food processors who
Need these derivatives find the prices horrendous.

But what can they do if banks aren't regulated
Substantially more than they currently are.
Volker and Warren have been advising Obama
But Cantor, McCarthy and Lucas are acting bizarre.

By blatantly betting their own reputations
As experts who claim to know more than they do,
Who think someone reading the Constitution outloud
Will help to make up for their tax cut snafu

And stop Wall Street's gamblers from making a fortune
At the expense of derivative buyers.
Is it morally worse to jack up prices of swaps
Or spend their careers as political liars?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives'
To 'Facing WikiLeaks Threat, B of A Plays Defense'
To 'How to Derail Financial Reform'
To 'Tea Party Activists Angry at G.O.P. Leaders'
To 'Justice Department Seeks Tougher Derivatives Rules'
To 'ICE Derivatives Clearing Group Decides Against Registration'
To 'ICE Trust Derivatives'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
