Buying Back Big Banks
With bonus money

It's Chase and Goldman's attitudes!
    Those profits should be ours, not theirs.
Washington's been their enabler.
    Must we assign them new au pairs?

Though antitrust has its adherents,
    it's relatively hard to sell.
But who'd not want to buy back banks
    that claim they're doing fairly well?

Surely not those wheeler-dealers
    who have made their fortunes there,
Each of whom has risked our dollars
    on his way to billionaire.

Why settle for the status quo
    when indications are they'll fleece us?
One solution is, of course,
    to split them into little pieces.

But wouldn't it be kinder to
    persuade them to close ranks,
Using bonuses they're given
    as down payments on their banks?

Let ev'ryone who works at Goldman
    and at J.P. Morgan Chase
Know bonuses could otherwise
    disappear without a trace.

Next time around there'll be no bailing
    and Fed windows will be closed
Despite Tim Geithner's remonstrations.
    We're sick and tired of being hosed.

Bob Carlson

To 'Wall Street's Timmy Geithner'
To 'Bush League Banks'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'Goldman Can Spare You a Dime'
To 'Wall Street speed dial gets Tim Geithner directly'