Calling A Spade A Spade
Is Obama chickening out?

Is Obama turning chicken?
    Why not call a spade a spade?
Why not take advantage of
    'investments' Paulson made?

Ignore the bellyaching
    by some of Timid Timmy's pals.
Taxpayers owe them nothing.
    Forget phoney rationales.

Hank did the heavy lifting.
    He purchased their preferred.
Nationalizing's what that's called.
    We all know it occurred.

Convert preferred to common stock?
    Won't that make their day!
Who's kidding who? With what we own
    why do we need more say?

Rubin's gone, thank goodness,
    so if he says goodbye to Pandit,
Dick Parsons and E. Stanley,
    he'll have shown he can disband it.

Which leaves us with the BofA –
    one more shoe to drop –
The welfare Bank for Merrill Lynch,
    but not for mom and pop.

Bob Carlson

To 'More Bank of America'
To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Obama's Stimuli'
To 'Timid Timmy Geithner'