Cantor's Kisses
(How long will Grover Norquist still have a winner's seat?)

Will Eric Cantor be pre-deceasing Rant Paul?
It's a race to the finish but Eric is favored.
The stunts he will pull to please Grover Norquist
Make some wonder how Grover's hindquarters are flavored.

Rant's promised to filibuster any increase
In federal debt limits that Grover sees.
So he replaces Cantor as the "darling" of Wall Street.
Just pray that Goldman won't have stopped breaking knees.

Yet Eric, the loudmouth, plans to play hardball.
That's what he's complaining Obama has done
As he's found fault with Ryan's proposal,
The one that's appalling to almost everyone.

As Grover's pawn in the House, Eric Cantor will have
The first chance to demand more tax cuts for the rich,
Making Rant Paul and his rants ineffective.
Just more empty threats. Now ain't that a bitch!

Maybe the next time, once Cantor is gone,
Wall Street and Goldman will still be around
To buy off Rant Paul before further ranting
On Fox News is allowed to confuse and confound.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The Norquist-Abramoff Circle'
To 'Grover Norquist'
To 'Grover's Jack Abramoff'
To 'Nonprofit Groups Funneled Money For Abramoff'
To 'Paul Ryan's Absurdly Optimistic
       Budget Projections Draw Widespread Ridicule'

To 'Anti-tax pledge directs budget debates nationwide'
To 'GOP begins making its debt-limit demands'
To 'Cantor: Past debt ceiling votes haven't been 'clean''
To 'Rand Paul Threatens To Filibuster Budget Deal'
To 'Rant Paul Rants'
To 'Lobbyist Pimps'
To 'Paul Ryan: Baby Geek'
