Carry Us Back
Celebrating with Governor Bob McDonnell by joining
the Dixieland Crackerjacks in their rendition of
"Carry Me Back To Old Virginny"

Carry us back with Bob McDonnell
To old Virginny where he's celebrating Hell,
So we can remember great grand-daddy's good times
When his War for Independence worked out so well.

Forget Bob's proclamations for organ donations,
For child abuse prevention and financial literacy.
He is recommending that we voters in Virginny
Concentrate instead on that fight for slavery,

And Old Mac's insistence that he never was a maverick,
That Romney never travels with his dog strapped to his car,
That Palin waves to Putin but is not a Bolshevik,
That Bachmann won't replace her as Murdoch's reddest star.

Music & Original Lyric by James Alan Bland
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Confederate history proclamation to include slavery'
To Lyrics for "Carry Me Back To Old Virginny"