Cashing In
(e.g. The Bayhs, No Labels, Citibank and Mitch)

Who's cashing in the way Evan Bayh is,
Lending his name to No Labels' 501 (c) (4) scam
That's not legally bound to disclose its donors
While its founders pretend it's political PAM.

Who's cashing in the way Evan Bayh has?
Just when we thought we'd said, "Bye, bye" to Bayh,
Up popped the son as a liberal quitter
Who's abandoned his seat to some lobbyist guy.

Like father, like son – Evan's dad quit the Senate
And became a lobbyist who's raking it in.
Now look at the son as he shills for No Label.
Is he overly anxious? Can't he wait to begin?

And so it continues, that ungodly cycle:
From government service to lobbyist hack,
To corporate mischief like Rubin and Orszag
To help CITI loan you what's so hard to pay back.

From no-money-down mortgages during Bob Rubin's reign
To loosey-goosey cards Orszag will pitch,
Citibank is a template for how to cash in
In anticipation of Chinese banks outing Mitch.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The Bipartisanship Racket'
To 'Chinese Communist Bankers'
To 'Citi-Oops'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No'
To 'No Labels Money Launderers'
To 'PAM Cooking Spray'
