Obama's Gulf War –
Censored By The Pirates
Aided and abetted by Obama's patsies

What don't we know and when should we have known it?
Who blurred the videos or turned them off?
Who claims the oil and dispersants have vanished?
Who said the well's "static"? Some official dummkopf?

BP's testing pressure where there shouldn't be pressure.
The well that was "static" apparently's not.
They warned us their "static kill" could be a failure,
Then professed to be happy with results that they got.

So happy they went and cemented their wellhead.
They've preserved for posterity their latest goof.
Will gravity prove to be BP's undoing?
Till that wellhead tips over, have they censored the proof?

Maybe they haven't. If they're still finding pressure,
And again lose control of that son of a bitch,
What will his patsies report to Obama?
How'll he win over Haley, Bobby and Mitch?

Who'll walk the plank after Obama's debacle?
Salazar's still running what was MMS.
Jackson's belatedly testing dispersants
While Browner makes light of the god awful mess.

Bob Carlson

To 'The BP Cover-Up'
To 'Adm. Allen Confused - So, Now, Everybody Else is, Too'
To 'Happy Talk That Oil is "Evaporating Rapidly"
       So, What the Hell is This?'

To 'Browner: Let's eat'
To 'Questions BP Needs to Answer'
To 'BP to "Test" BOP and Capping Stack for Pressure'
To 'After one-on-one with Obama,
       McConnell vows to slow White House agenda'

To 'Bobby's Beach Berm Boondoggle' verse
To 'Mitch 'Just Say No' McConnell'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'