Obama's Gulf War –
Chickening Out
Is the sky falling or is it Corexit?

Henny Penny told Lisa, "I think the sky's falling."
Or could it be raining more BP dispersant?
Why stump Lisa's experts with stuff that perplexing?
It's a "new" toxic substance with which they're not conversant.

If they were, wouldn't BP owe many more millions?
It's ruining fields where our 'tatoes are grown.
Along with our cotton, our corn and tobacco –
If only, if only her EPA'd known…

But it didn't and doesn't. So whose fault is that?
Is Corexit more deadly when it's mixed in with oil?
Chicken Little says "No", but he works for BP.
If he dared to say "Yes", they would brand him disloyal.

Cocky Lockey's ecstatic. It's making oil vanish,
Creating those beautiful deepwater plumes
That only submersible sand berms like his
Can intercept; not those skimmers and booms.

Foxy Loxy in Britain's been withholding data –
Not just oil flow rates, but where Corexit goes
When it vaporizes and the Jet Stream grabs hold.
Can Ole Virginny be the sole place that knows?

So can Ducky Lucky get BP to stop?
Is the Gulf not enough for their boys to despoil?
A country that used to be food selfsufficient
Is giving those British its seas and its soil.

Bob Carlson

To 'EPA Whistleblower Accuses Agency of Covering Up
       Effects of Dispersant in BP Oil Spill Cleanup'

To 'Henny Penny - The Story'
To 'North America faces years of toxic oil rain'
To 'Hey EPA: How Are Those Dispersant Tests Going?'
To 'Gulf Dispersants: BP and Nalco Play Toxic Roulette'
To 'Carry Me Back to Old Virginny'
To 'Photos show Bobby's vanishing oil berm'
To 'EPA scolds BP in Gulf oil spill:
       dispersant is too toxic, change it'

To 'EPA's Jackson'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'