Citi's Demise
Bushie's gone, so why not Citi?

We've had enough of Citi.
    It still is badly run.
We can't trust euthanasia?
    Let's switch to murder one.

Dismember first, then buy it up
    for penny's on the dollar.
Tailgating at the Super Bowl?
    On our dime? So let 'em holler.

They claim that wasn't dough we'd loaned;
    that we don't know the drill.
Like we'd believe those bunglers marked
    and traced each dollar bill?

Like that should make a diff'rence,
    if we knew which ones they spent?
What about the bucks that were
    supposed to have been lent?

Should crooks be paid five hundred grand
    to party with each other,
After what we wasted on
    Jeb Bush's older brother?

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'More Citi-Oops'
To 'Citi Shuffles Top Ranks Again'