Citi Goes to Sheila Bair
For "Fair Value"

Where was Sheila Bair when
    she was needed most?
When Moody's Triple A's at Citi
    were misdiagnosed?

Moodys blew their ratings
    as they were paid to do -
Citi failed to sell them
    and now they no can do

Except perhaps to Sheila Bair
    who's sure of their "Fair Worth",
Unlike Pandit, Rubin, and O'Neal
    who'll guess from Leavenworth.

If she knows now, why did she keep
    it secret for so long?
Was she waiting till she could buy
    Citi for a song?

Will her smarts make Paulson and
    Kashkari look like rubes?
Will what she values Citi at
    mean Citi's down the tubes?

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'
To 'Rating Agencies'