Citi Screws Congress
With its lobbyists

Citi's using bailout money
    lobbying for more.
Is Parsons, Pandit or O'Neal
    Wall Street's biggest whore?

With them has Congress found a way
    to buy itself more perks?
Has it finally hit upon
    a Ponzii scheme that works?

How many lobbyists should we
    taxpayers be financing,
Helping Citi splurge on more
    congressional romancing?

Should we be surprised?
    The bailout's run by Goldman claques
Whose specialty's assisting other
    failing Goldman hacks.

Is payment to a lobbyist
    an income tax deduction
When its only purpose is
    congressional seduction?

How can we guarantee their chastity
    between elections
If Citi's bailout money bankrolls
    lobbyist erections?

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'
To 'Harry Reid's Congress'