Class Warfare With ALEC

(Not letting the Have-Lots steal it all)

Why help only boys with big money buy more?
Why let them buy laws so they pay lower taxes?
Why not require them to pay their fair share?

How much of their baloney do we need to fall for?
Why buy the lying that they hope distracts us?
Why does their fair share cause them so much despair?

How can they claim ALEC is strictly nonprofit
When profiting well-to-do is what they do?
Now they'll try to sell us a latter day prophet
Who already has moola and chutzpah up the kazoo.

He and the Kochs will pay their way to Tampa,
But they could find someone badly miscalculated.
In democracies 99% outnumbers their 1%
Regardless of what Ryan perhaps intimated.

But please send them to Tampa. Tell them all stand their ground
And witness firsthand the NRA's fire-first results.
Badly outnumbered, they'll look like ground round,
But aren't we being told they're consenting adults?

Bob Carlson

To 'NRA pushed 'stand your ground' laws across the nation'
To 'G.O.P Tampa Tantrum'
To 'ALEC: Ghostwriter & Lobbyist'
To 'Lazy Scalia's SCOTUS Verses'
To 'Paul Ryan's Etch A Sketch Romney Verses'
To 'Kochs' Political Pawns Verses'
To 'Republican Verses'