Commander-In-Chief of G. M.
Rick Wagoner's sour grapes

I'm Commander-in-Chief of General Motors.
    I'm Bushie personified.
I've closed a few plants; I've shut down the Volt;
    but other than that I've lied.

I've asked who they think will buy cars from G.M.
    after we go bankrupt.
More to the point, who is likely to buy
    if word gets out now of what's up?

We're a frigging disaster that's already happened
    and damn lucky to have the board that we've got.
We'd be self-reliant but they're so compliant.
    They still think we've done what we've not.

Bush told us OK, gas guzzling's the way
    for huge profits for Cheney's allies,
Halliburton and Exxon. So what's with the Dear John
    and demands that we reorganize?

If only, like Bush, I were sure that we're winning;
    had Cheney's assurance that things won't go bad;
Could let things blow over while I roll in clover,
    never admitting the public's been had.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'
To 'General Motors Meltdown'