Contraceptives vs. Religious Bed Checks

(More jobs for the religious right?)

Who knew where tax cuts might trickle down to?
Did Scalia? Maybe, but Thomas? No clue!
Members of Congress were just cutting their own,
Determined to not throw their voters a bone.

Less tax begat more PACs was how it's worked out,
Directing campaigns at the raunchy devout.
It now pays to advocate productive sex
By ensuring conception with religious bed checks.

But who needs three Santorums for every Bushie?
Will Scalia's successors be any less pushy?
Can raising taxes on the absurdly rich,
Or more tax plus ear wax silence every super PAC pitch?

Bob Carlson

To 'Scalia's Screwups'
To 'How Corrupt Was Santorum?'
To 'Rick Santorum: The Blue-Collar One-Percenter'
To 'CREW'S Most Corrupt'
To Bill Moyers: Freedom of and From Religion
To Andrew Sullivan: How Obama
      Set a Contraception Trap for the Right

To 'Tales From the Kitchen Table' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Battle Behind the Fight' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Evolution of Birth Control'
To 'Pope Santorum'