Corporate Tea People
(Serving a cuppa to Corporate America's lobbyists)

How long has it taken for corporate lobbyists
To peddle their influence and get their hooks
Into the incoming class of Tea People
Whose platform hypocrisy's one for the books?

Rare is the freshman Tea Person who hasn't
Welcomed the chance for a cocktail on K Street.
But are lobbyist fund raisers, parties and dinners
Their only ways of making ends meet?

Some are finding it more advantageous to hire
Those corporate lobbyists as their chiefs of staff.
Does no one suspect quid pro quo was involved
While we are still hoping it's done for a laugh.

Sadly, because these folks are all politicians,
They need to be judged with a skeptical eye.
Especially because, in the Congress they're joining,
Tenure depends on how well they can lie.

That's where new Tea People have a definite edge,
With private foundations plus Boehner and Mitch.
Manufacturing facts is their new party's specialty -
Scratch something enough and it's bound to itch.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Lawmakers seek cash during key votes'
To 'Tea Party Caucus Takes $1 Billion In Earmarks'
To 'Hiring corporate lobbyists as chiefs of staff'
To 'The Humbug Express'
To 'Hell No John Boehner'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
