"Decoding "Boehner's" Plan B"

(Has he admitted it was his?)

The truth will come out about B,
The absentee's tour de force few got to see.
B stands for "blame some other guy,"
A bystander? Yup, could be you or I.

He's not blamed us yet, but he will.
He finds taking blame a bitter pill.
When your skill is just run of the mill,
Or nil, like John Boehner's is,
You have to rely on the old monkey biz.

But as much as John Boehner is lacking,
What will happen if they send him packing?

Backing him up, who've they got?
You take your pick. We'd rather not.
Ryan? or Cantor, or Jim DeMint?
But no, that can't happen. DeMint's out of print.

He's at a "think" tank, too busy "thinking"
How to keep the Grand Old Party from sinking.
You ever wonder how he hasn't yet thunk
How his tea and tea party have already sunk?

Bob Carlson

To 'With Days Until The ‘Cliff,’
     Speaker Boehner Is Still In Ohio'

To 'What Americans Should Learn
     From the 'Republican Apocalypse''

To 'John Boehner: Fiscal Cliff Problem
     Requires Senate To 'Act First''

To 'Are Republicans Ready to Dump Boehner?'