"Deferring Congressional Pay"

(Benefits Congress and the economy)
(And some biographers and socialites)

One whore in the family of each member of Congress
Should be more than enough for the love of Pete.
If they're not being paid, who'll keep food on the table?
Their corporate sponsors? Or spouses out walking the street?

Will marrying streetwalkers make Congressmen honest?
With a spouse's income they might be as unreceptive
To corporate lobbyist payments and bribes
As unwed mothers-to-be were to a good contraceptive.

Bottom lines of corporate sponsors could flourish
In direct proportion to spousal income.
Unless elderly geezers wed much younger bimbos,
They'll most likely remain under a lobbyist's thumb.

Deferring Congress's paychecks could have unforeseen benefits:
A substantial increase in the sex trade in D.C.,
A definite lowering of trophy wife ages
And Wall Street's potential to be lobbyist free.

With lobbyists redesignated as pimps
Will Congressmen be known as pimps or just wimps?
If Congressmen stay home to care for the kids,
To whom will the EPA forward Koch polluting bids?

Bob Carlson

To 'House Passes "No Budget, No Pay Act"'
To 'States' Renewable Energy Policies Under Attack
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To 'Republicans Have a Habit of Blocking Disaster Relief for Americans'
To 'Peter King, Furious Over Blocked Sandy Aid,
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To 'The NRA’s Shameful Day'
To 'Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda'
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To 'How Dangerous Is the Lead in Bullets?'
To 'More Do-nothing Congress in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Kochs Pollute in Rhymed Verse'