"DeMint Bails On His Buddies"

(Now it's the money, guys)

The Tea Party's on its last legs.
And except for me it's the dregs,
So guess what I'm hauling to a higher calling.
I'm joining the "long past their sell-by date" eggs.

The pay's so much better for a paper shredder –
Where the pay's not for making a stink –
Than a part-time blackballer who's forced to holler
And drive everybody to drink.

No more pretence at doing,
Such as banning the term "lunatic,"
When all you hear is pooh-poohing.
That can hurt lunatics to the quick.

Plans like the single pay option? No more!
Not from the moment I walk through that door.
Progressive thoughts from Heritage brains?
I'll be the very first one that complains.

My ideology, the one that I know,
I learned from Monopoly: "Do not pass Go."
You lecherous gen'rals? "Go directly to jail."
You're civilian culls. How can I fail?

Yes, I'm a cull, too, but I make lots more dough,
Though I don't collect bosoms like you guys I know.
Bosoms or billions? It's damn hard to choose,
Though these brains at Heritage claim we can't lose.

Obstruction's an art at which I excel.
Do nothing at all? I'm expert,
For all of which they pay very well.
Bosoms? Or Congress? No… I've hit pay dirt.

Bob Carlson

To 'Jim DeMint Gains More Power Over GOP
     in Move from Senate to Heritage Foundation'

To 'What Jim DeMint’s resignation says about him,
     the Senate and the conservative movement'

To 'How Jim DeMint Changed the Senate'
To 'Is it game over for Grover Norquist?'
To 'Grover Norquist Sees the Fiscal Cliff and Guns It'
To 'US descending into fiscal farce'
To 'Grover Norquist's No-Tax Pledge Verses'
To 'Grover's Pledglings Verses'