"Dirty Coal's Term Limits"

(Following the Beijing EPA's advice)

"Congratulation to the Kochs," from the Beijing EPA.
"At last you've got Obama writing orders the corporate way.
Loosen regulations on cheap fuel's dirty emissions.
You've obviously found a price that buys U.S. politicians.

"But what you're able to purchase today for a song,
Would require many cantatas before very long.
That's where the President's role in the corruption kicks in.
Particulate filth in the air won't be a corporate sin.

"The great advantage of particulate matter
Is the amazing manner it can manage to scatter
Into a recipients eyes, nose and mouth,
Doing especially well in your once solid South.

"It's extremely effective against career politicians
Who'll be dependable victims of the expected emissions.
Term limits will be firmly and strictly invoked.
You'll find past their prime geezers have reliably croaked."

Bob Carlson

To 'Greg Palast: Weapon of Mass Distraction'
To 'Beijing air pollution soars to hazard level"'
To 'Poll: Congress less popular than lice,
     cockroaches, Brussels sprouts and Nickelback'

To 'N.Y. officials, newspaper duel over gun data'
To 'Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names,
     addresses of gun permit holders'

To 'More Term Limits in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Kochs Pollute in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Dirty Coal in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Climate Change & Global Warming in Rhymed Verses'