Obama's Gulf War –
Does Cheney's EPA Live On?
If so, why would BP worry about being fined?

What use is a law EPA won't enforce?
What use is a fine EPA won't collect?
We knew Cheney's EPA scorned worrywarts,
So why can't Obama's find more to protect?

But what do they know about toxic dispersants?
They chose to rely on BP; what a laugh.
BP's in cahoots with its toxic supplier.
EPA: Well, OK. Cut the dosage in half.

And you thought because BP polluted the Gulf,
It would be fined for each barrel it spilled?
Well it might be until EPA once again
Renegotiates fines to a lot less than billed.

They wouldn't want BP to think they're unfriendly
And against off-shore drilling in Long Island Sound.
How much of the staff do you think worked for Cheney
And like MMS still remains duty-bound?

Bob Carlson

To 'EPA Whistleblower Accuses Agency of Covering Up
       Effects of Dispersant in BP Oil Spill Cleanup'

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'BP refuses EPA order to switch'
To 'Civil fine in Gulf spill could be $4,300 barrel'
To 'BP still fighting fines from '06 oil spills at Prudhoe Bay'
To 'BP: The Worst Safety and Environmental Record'
To 'BP refinery releases carcinogenic benzene emissions'
To 'EPA's Jackson'