Don't Call Yourself Christian

(Till Ricky's ultrasounds are in and running)

Santorum is warning:
"Don't call yourself Christian
Without first checking with me.
Don't bother Fred Graham.
He'd only be guessing.
He relies on hearsay for ID.

"Until I'm elected,
That's all we can go by,
But then Freddy will have to snap to.
We can't have faux Christians
Employing tax loopholes
And teaching our kids what to do.

"No way we want someone
Who's not our kind of Christian
Checking Virginia vaginas up close.
That's a job for Republicans,
Political perverts,
Who will help Reverend Graham diagnose.

"For voyeurs from Congress:
Boehner, Cantor, McConnell,
This could be their last career chance.
Dr. Robert McDonnell
Has promised a peep show,
Planning to charge them just ten cents a glance."

Bob Carlson

To 'How Corrupt Was Santorum?'
To 'Rick Santorum: The Blue-Collar One-Percenter'
To 'CREW'S Most Corrupt'
To Bill Moyers: Freedom of and From Religion
To Andrew Sullivan: How Obama
      Set a Contraception Trap for the Right

To 'Tales From the Kitchen Table' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Battle Behind the Fight' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Evolution of Birth Control'
To 'Pope Santorum'