Don't Pick Clintons
Cautioning Obama about the Clinton plea to be Vice President
singing to the classic "Don't Bring Lulu"
(Now you can bring Pearl, she's a darn nice girl, but…)

Want to beat McCain
With minimal pain?
Well, don't pick Clintons.

If, for your VP,
You want one, not three,
Well, don't pick Clintons.

Clintons used to come in twos,
Except in angry interviews.
Now with Bill and Hillary
They toss Chelsea in for free.

Give yourself a break,
Not a bellyache,
And don't pick Clintons.
They will use you
To project their view
Of how she sees herself.

They'll blame you for stintin'
If you don't pick a Clinton,
But deny they said it,
Unless they want the credit.
They just can't help theirself.

Music by Ray Henderson
Original Lyric by Lew Brown & Billy Rose
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'
To 'Obama's Voting Ploys'