Donny's Shanghai Pleasure Palace
(Introducing his beautiful madam, Wu Wu.)

The Chinese are angry that Donny is bragging
That he has made money, an awful lot of it,
In China. But because of his bankruptcy record,
That implies that somebody gave him a permit

To steal. And what kind of thanks are they getting?
Why, that unforgiveable f-word from Donny,
Who in his dealings with Chinese officials
Acted as Miss USA's bald stage-door Johnny.

So they had him build in Shanghai's red light district
And secretly marry his madam, Wu Wu.
That means that he's automatically Chinese
With a Photoshop long-form. They have birthers there, too.

Certificates, licenses, long-forms and permits -
The Donny has most of the papers he needs
To mount a campaign of complete obfuscation.
It's too bad the Chinese and the banks hold the deeds.

So if Karl Rove does win the Republican Primary
And NBC brass declares, "Donny, you're fired,"
We'll hear Donny swearing he's never used f-words
And complaining Obama and Buddha conspired.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Help overstate Trump's poll numbers. Vote for him here'
To 'Donald Trump ties made in China '
To 'Donald Trump Promises to ‘Use Swear Words’ With China'
To 'The Trump Backlash'
To 'Trump, Birtherism, and Race-Baiting'
To 'Trump hits back at Rove, GOP critics'
To 'Shocking Truth Behind Donald Trump’s Hair Revealed?'
To 'The Donny Dope'
